= Integer division How many 17-page exams can you print with a ream of 500 sheets? How many blank sheets do you have left? How many 50-staple bars do you need to staple the exams? Integer-division (`div`) helps answer questions like these and floating-point division complicates it. However the integer-division operation is not available in most of pocket or digital calculators. This simple program read lines from standard input. Each line contains two integer numbers, a dividend `a` and a divisor `b`. The program calculates the quotient `q` and the remainder `r`, and print all of them as a relation `a = b * q + r` in its own line in standard output. _Input example_: [source] ---- include::tests/input001.txt[] ---- _Output example_: [source] ---- include::tests/output001.txt[] ---- The third line of output example indicates that 55 whole exams can be printed with 500 sheet ream and 5 sheet remain unused. The fourth line indicates that you will require two 50-staple bars, one bar consumed entirely and just 5 staples are required from the second bar. If 0 is provided as a divisor, the program prints `invalid data` for that line.