Notes to the Reader 3 A Tour of C++: The Basics 37 A Tour of C++: Abstraction Mechanisms 59 A Tour of C++: Containers and Algorithms 87 A Tour of C++: Concurrency and Utilities 111 Types and Declarations 135 Pointers, Arrays, and References 171 Structures, Unions, and Enumerations 201 Statements 225 Expressions 241 SelectOperations 273 Functions 305 ExceptionHandling 343 Namespaces 389 Source Files and Programs 419 Classes 449 Construction, Cleanup, Copy, and Move 481 Overloading 527 SpecialOperators 549 DerivedClasses 577 ClassHierarchies 613 Run-Time Type Information 641 Templates 665 GenericProgramming 699 Specialization 721 Instantiation 741 Templates and Hierarchies 759 Metaprogramming 779 A Matrix Design 827 Standard Library Summary 859 STLContainers 885 STLAlgorithms 927 STLIterators 953 Memory and Resources 973 Utilities 1009 Strings 1033 Regular Expressions 1051 I/OStreams 1073 Locales 1109 Numerics 1159 Concurrency 1191 ThreadsandTasks 1209 The C Standard Library 1253 Compatibility 1267